Christina Aguilera - General Knowledge - Study Quiz #1

Q1) Christina Aguilera birth name is __?__.

Q2) Name the city and country where Christina Aguilera was born?

Q3) Christina Aguilera 's date of birth is?

Q4) What is Christina Aguilera's height?

Q5) Christina Aguilera married to __?__.

Q6) Made the Top 20 in FHM Magazine's 100 Sexiest Women in __?___.

Q7) Christina Aguilera voice range is __?__ octaves.?

Q8) Christina Aguilera debuted in what TV film production?

Q9) How many movie film productions has Christina Aguilera starred in? How many music albumd __?__.?

Q10) Name the music album that Christina Aguilera released in 1999?